Waste management in south africa pdf

This book chapter highlights the drivers and state of swm in rsa and suggests. Challenges in determining the correct waste disposal solutions for. Waste management policy and legislation in south africa. In line with the above, south africa is not an exception in terms of ineffectiveand inefficient municipal solid waste management. Solid waste management swm is a challenge in developing countries such as the republic of south africa rsa. Department of environmental affairs dea municipal solid. Challenges in determining the correct waste disposal solutions for local municipalities a south african overview. In particular, for african countries, several authors 55, 56 demonstrate how waste management in africa is a growing environmental and health problem, given the increase in waste generation and. The waste management strategies proposed for the project consider waste management from the concept and planning stages through design, construction and operation. Lauren basson, salome bronkhorst, mike mulcahy, sarah ocarroll and cathy pineo external. The municipalities in south africa were mandated by the constitution of the country to provide a number of basic services including solid waste management to their citizens. Thus, the priority of a waste management system 9 must always be the provision of a cleansing service which helps to maintain the.

This has provided the authorities responsible for waste management in south africa with new challenges. Discussions with residents in both formal and informal settlements from slovoville west of johannesburg to mandela village east of pretoria, and as far afield as emondlo in northern kwazulunatal and phuthaditjhaba in the free state, highlighted the need. The blueprint follows after an initial situation study completed in. The successful implementation of these plans relies on the allocation of adequate budgets that are informed by fullcost accounting and appropriate tariffsetting to meet compliance and. Challenges in determining the correct waste disposal. Introduction south africa is a semidesert with only 40% annual rain fall amounting to an average of 450mm per annum, hence south africa is a water scarce country compared to the world whose average rainfall is 860mm. Waste management in south africa has in the past been uncoordinated and poorly funded. It is therefore similar in structure to the 2nd south africa environment outlook saeo. The waste management hierarchy consists of options for waste management during the lifecycle of waste, arranged in descending order of priority. Directorate chemicals and hazardous waste management, department of environmental affairs and tourism, private bag x447, pretoria, south africa, email. This aims to eventually reduce the reliance of south africas waste disposal on landfills, as currently the majority of waste ends up therein.

The modern system of global environmental governance is. The waste management hierarchy consists of options for waste management during the lifecycle of waste, arranged in descending order of priority, as shown in figure 2. Embassys support of south africa as a regional leader in addressing marine debris. In line with the above, south africa is not an exception in terms of ineffectiveand. Municipal solid waste management systems mswms comprise of waste generation, segregation at the point of generation, collection, transportation and disposal at the landfill. History a formal waste collection service was first implemented in the cape colony in 1786, and by the 1820s a regular waste. A case for municipal solid waste management page 7 of 30 1. Request pdf waste management in south africa solid waste management swm is a challenge in developing countries such as the republic of south africa rsa. The waste industry in south africa consists primarily of waste collection and land.

Waste management in south africa is regulated by various legislation and different roleplayers, including environmental health services ehs know at local government level as municipal health services mhs at metropolitan and district municipalities. While the waste hierarchy is embedded in national policy, an extensive legislative framework has made it more and more challenging for the public and private sector to remain compliant and competitive in a local and global market, and still drive waste away from landfill towards. Bma will provide appropriate training in waste management practices to all employees concerned. Opportunities and barriers for alternative waste management technologies 18. Request pdf waste management in south africa solid waste management swm is a challenge in developing countries such as the. Household waste is managed by municipalities andor their service providers. An evaluation of the municipal solid waste management. City of johannesburg integrated waste management plan 2011.

This report is dedicated to south africas former minister of environmental affairs, edna molewa, who passed away recently. A number of environmental and human health concerns. How southern africa manages its waste linda godfrey dr. Recycling has been taking place in south africa for more than three decades, driven by social and economic needs. Waste management is a challenge in most municipalities in south africa. The basic scope of the municipal solid waste management function is shown in figure 1. Jenna jambeck, a plastic waste expert from the university of georgia, has taken part in a visit as part of the u.

For the waste sector in south africa this means care must be given to raw material use, product design, resource efficiency, waste prevention, and minimization where avoidance is impossible. Profiles are provided for 21 companies including global waste management group averda which announced the acquisition of solid waste technologies swt, a healthcare. Introduction south africa is a semidesert with only 40% annual rain fall amounting to an average of 450mm per annum, hence south africa is a water scarce country compared to. This is typical of waste management in developing countries, where disposal of waste, often to uncontrolled dumpsites, dominates 10. Development of a national health care waste management policy for south africa molefe gs 1, gwensa q 2, kristiansen t 3, and rogers dec 4 1. South africa, with an estimated 90% of all waste generated in south africa disposed of to land. Existing legislation that will have implications in 2016 16 3.

There are many challenges in the waste management sector that are holding south africa back from a cleaner and greener future. Waste currently stored must commence management in 5 years. Linda godfrey is the principal scientist and manager of south africas waste research, development and innovation roadmap implementation unit, which aims to improve the reduce the amount of waste the country generates while also creating new opportunities from the reuse. The concept of waste management is generally understood by most citizens of south africa. Only 10% of waste recycled in south africa statistics south. Municipal solid waste management services in africa. Pdf waste management and sustainable development in south. Horticultural waste management discusses potato, other vegetable and fruit wastes. Executive summary of integrated waste management policy page 1 of 7 preamble to the integrated waste management iwm policy of the city of cape town in terms of schedule 5b of the constitution of south africa act 108 of 1996, waste management is a local government competence that must be executed to protect.

Waste management discusses waste management in the livestock and poultry sectors. Did you know that 90% of an estimated 59 million tonnes of general waste produced in south africa in 2011 ended up in landfills, while only 10% was recycled. Waste management and sustainable development in south africa. Mix of welldeveloped and poorlydeveloped areas population influx has created many informal and congested pedestrianonly settlements in open spaces and on the peripheries of towns and cities. Informal solid waste recycling is increasingly becoming evident and becoming part of the urban landscape.

Western cape integrated waste management plan 2017 2022 iii diversion targets. The successful implementation of these plans relies on the allocation of adequate budgets that are informed by fullcost accounting and appropriate tariffsetting to meet compliance and regulatory obligations to sustain these services. Pdf municipal solid waste management in south africa. The detailed report on the management of solid waste in south africa examines current conditions and developments as well as factors that influence the success of the sector. Waste generators must ensure a safety data sheet sds is prepared for hazardous waste. Waste act nemwa, 2008 is a subsidiary act of the nema, which regulates the management of all waste within south africa as well as defines the different roles and responsibilities of the different spheres of government while implementing this mandate. The nwms requires all waste producers and users to follow the waste management hierarchy when making waste management decisions. A progressive and passionate minister, her vision, especially around waste management in the country, will remain an inspiration to all. Hypothetically speaking, the informal waste sector has closed the gap created by the inefficiency of municipal practices and institutions in municipal solid waste management. Based on the calculations, south africa generated approximately 38 million tonnes of hazardous waste in 2017. Western cape integrated waste management plan 2017 2022.

Solid waste management challenges in urban areas of ghana. Resource value of waste south africa calculated based on waste streams r25. Waste management in south africa is regulated by various legislation and different. Background, definitions, concepts and indicators chapter 3. Environmental health challenges that impact on waste management. Commercial and industrial waste is typically managed by the private sector in larger. Solid waste management in african cities east africa. Ms molewa made a significant contribution to a democratic and sustainable south africa. Training training and awareness regarding waste management shall be provided to all employees and contractors as part of the toolbox talks or onsite awareness sessions.

Today this is still the very core of the organisation. Waste management in south africa has historically been managed by the government through the establishment of large landfills and dumps. All holders of waste generator, transporter, manager must maintain. Education and training in the realm of effective and efficient waste management is also a key focus for us. Waste generators must keep records of their waste generation and management. Thus, the priority of a waste management system 9 must always be the provision of a. When the iwmsa was established over 40 years ago, it was the vision of the founders to provide south africa with a clean and healthy environment.

Solid waste management challenges in urban areas of. Waste management in urban centres of east africa has for a long time been centralised liyala 2011, with the useof imported refuse truck rotich et al. Waste management in south africas cities cities support. There are, however, solutions to south africas waste management problems.

Waste management united nations environment programme. Pdf wastetoenergy wte technologies have been presented as one of the avenues to improve the management of solid waste whilst. This report represents the second in a series of reports on municipal solid waste management in latin america 1, africa and asiapacific. Jenna jambeck addresses south african meetings 20170725. South africa state of waste draft zero report 19 3. Abattoir, waste water, contamination, management, safety compliance 1. Of these, mismanagement and noncompliance are the most prevalent and damaging to the environment and society. Approximately, 7% of hazardous waste generated in 2017 was re. Development of a national health care waste management. Waste management in south africa request pdf researchgate.

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